Tuesday, 1 July 2014

We are facing huge problems,What are our leaders doing?- Ama K. Abebrese Asks

ama k abebrese

As Ghana’s economic woes seems far from over, Ghanaians from different walks of life and status have complained about the difficult situation.

Another Ghanaian to join the frail is Actress and TV host, Ama K. Abebrese, who took to social media and here is what she has to say:

No fuel, water prices up,- yet most people do not even have water flowing through their pipes on a constant basis; electricity prices up, yet constant light off thanks to ECG, and now those who have generators cannot even find the fuel for their generators. The fuel prices are also going up 20%. The roads are bad, bad economy, the local currency -the cedi keeps falling, corruption from top to bottom. As for GFA officials and football asem, that is another drama on it own and so on and so on.

What is really going on in the nation of Ghana? The so called gateway to West Africa, the beautiful nation that was built for us by our forefathers and mothers, the country of people considered as one of Africa’s most welcoming people. What are our leaders doing? What are we the people doing? We complain and complain and yet take little action.

Lets remember what our forefathers and mothers sacrificed for us.

Y3n ara asaase ni;

3y3 abooden de ma y3n,

Mogya a nananom hwie gui;

Nya de too ho maa y?n,

Adu me ne wo nso so,

S3 y3b3y3 bi atoa so.

Again I ask…. what are our leaders doing? What are we- the people doing?
Source: Nydjlive.com

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